Services - Min2, bouw-kunst

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At this moment in their career the partners in Min2 are working hard on their legacy of the work and
are phasing out the projects in the studio together with Raffi Mossesian from Inanna Design.

  • They still work on architectural projects which are carefully chosen
  • Long lasting building processes are being continued and finished.
  • They like the to work on the maintenance of their earlier buildings,
  • are motivated for consultancy,
  • giving lectures,
  • organizing architectural excursions,
  • and participating in exhibitions.
  • The archive is being ordered and prepared for disclosure and the start of the Min2 oeuvre book has been made.
  • The two buildings that they care for are also being prepared for the future: The office needs to be preserved and expanded and the Dune House is in preparation for becoming a charity foundation.